
There are many leagues for different amounts of money. Join a league that you like ranging from 50/50, half will win or arcades. When you join a league you will be able to pick up 6 players of your choice in a set of match ups. After picking your players you will pick a team in the matchups. Then after you are all done with that you simply just finish and wait for the matches to be played and see the results!

Scoring: For csgo the scoring goes like this.
Kills= 2pt Assist= 1 pt ea death= -1 pt
team scoring based on bomb plants, defuse and round win/loss

Leagues: There are leagues ranging from one penny to one hundred dollars ($0.01-$100). There are many different leagues.
Half will win: 4-16 people and half of the entries win
head to head: 2 people (1v1)
arcade: prizes vary

In all i think this site is very cool and an interesting and fun way to gamble. The idea of winning money by watching your favorite players is amazing to me.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

http://csgoforum.com/t/fantasy-csgo-esp … -money/494

whiteboard animation example